18-Wheeler & Commercial Vehicle Accidents

Experienced Trial Attorneys = Aggressive Representation

The bottom line is that trucks can be dangerous. They do more damage in crashes, contain more moving parts that can wear down, and are on the road for more hours at a time than most other vehicles. Truck drivers and trucking companies are aware of these facts and as a result of this knowledge, should put the public’s safety first.

Whether you drive Mississippi’s back roads or travel along our country’s interstates and highways, you know that large trucks—eighteen wheelers, big rigs, car carriers, long haul trucks—are a major hazard. Because these massive trucks weigh many times more than a regular passenger vehicle, accidents involving them are usually catastrophic for the car’s passengers. Not only are the injuries in these accidents more severe, but the legal relationship between the driver, trucking company, truck manufacturer, and owner of the cargo also makes lawsuits stemming from these crashes much more complicated. As a result, insurance companies will try to refuse liability altogether after a crash, meaning you need expert legal representation by your side after an accident.

At Davidson Bowie, PLLC our experience in trucking accident litigation means holding trucking companies accountable when their carelessness results in catastrophic and fatal consequences. In any truck accident case, it is important to identify and investigate all of the factors that may have contributed to the collision. We will pursue all possible claims against all possible defendants.

Some Things We Look for in Trucking Accident Cases Are: 

  • Commercial Vehicle Rules Violation
  • Negligent Hiring
  • Inadequate Driver Training
  • Inadequate Truck Maintenance
  • Distracted, tired and DUI Truck Driver

What Should I Do If I Have Been Injured in a Trucking Accident?

If you are involved in an accident with an eighteen wheeler of any kind, you will likely need medical attention immediately. However, if you are not severely injured, take as many pictures as possible of the accident scene and the vehicles involved. Trucking companies are notorious for removing and destroying damaged trucks and spilled loads to cover up the fact that the truck was poorly maintained or was overloaded. Second, make sure to call the police. While a police report will be subjected to intense scrutiny from both sides, it is essential to attain an unbiased, third-party observation of the cause of the crash and the accident scene. Police officers rarely have the sort of training that an expert in accident reconstruction possesses, but juries and courts give the observations of law enforcement great weight.  Finally, you need to speak with an experienced trucking accident attorney as soon as possible. The trucking company or its insurer will likely try to contact you to badger you into making incriminating or damaging statements about your role in the accident.  Do not speak to anyone without an attorney by your side. Once counsel represents you, all questions regarding the accident and your role will be directed to your attorney while you recover from your physical and emotional trauma. Finally, stay off of social media.  Statements of remorse about the accident or improvements in your medical condition can all be twisted to imply that you are to blame and were not seriously injured. While you must discuss your case with your attorney, you should refrain from discussing it with anyone else, especially on social media.

How Can Davidson Bowie, PLLC Help My Family or Me?

Suing a trucking company after an accident is far more complicated than a standard car on car accident. Modern trucking companies use independent contractors as drivers, loaders, and maintenance workers, and they often assign blame to these third parties that have little ability to compensate you for your injuries. Discerning the cause of the accident is often challenging, as the driver’s lack of sleep, difficult road conditions, and a poorly balanced load can all contribute to a crash. You need an attorney that has experience downloading and understanding a truck’s “black box” before the trucking company destroys it or erases all data, and also has the legal ability to pursue all parties that may be responsible.

If you or a member of your family has been harmed in a trucking accident, contact our firm for your free case review.

Consultations with prospective clients are free of charge.

1062 Highland Colony Parkway
200 Concourse, Suite 275
Ridgeland, Mississippi 39157

Telephone: (601) 932-0028



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1062 Highland Colony Parkway
200 Concourse, Suite 275
Ridgeland, Mississippi 39157

Telephone: (601) 932-0028
Facsimile:    (601) 932-0115

Map / Directions

Davidson Bowie, PLLC

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